
Real Performers

We all know about Sudama a poor friend of Shri Krishna, who was forced by her wife to ask the help from Shri Krishna! Sudama was poor, useless guy, only benefit he had that he was friend of Shri Krishna

Hold on! This story you grew up listening is all bull shit! Sudama was poor by money but not morally! He was proud Bramhin who was working all day and night for the betterment of people nearby and thats why he was appreciated by Shri Krishna! Thats why he got that much special treatment. The thing is that real performer Sudama was somewhere not recognised by people, but Shri Krishna as a King knew it.

So the point is management must identify real performers, only the one who are reporting may not be performers always, what we hear, someone in background can also be a performer.

Performers once identified, Should get special treatment, incentives.
There should be a transparent system where real performers can be identified easily.

How to make sure this happens?

1. Don’t tolerate political behaviour – squash it asa it comes up. Don’t ignore “me first” behaviour!

2. Reduce distance between employee and executive leaders – Promote communication and transparency among teams by holding regular meetings, town halls and group lunches.

3. Share the acknowledgment – When the company has a big success or reaches a milestone, it should be recognized both as a team win and a celebration of the success of those whose work contributed to it at all levels of the organization – not just the senior salesperson, head engineer or manager.

4. Have official appraisal channel in your organisation – bring practice in team and for yourself to declare each and every small or big achievements and also ask your leaders to acknowledge their team members for the same.

Real Performers are key to success of your company, identify and make them feel special!